Monday, July 2, 2012

Love Talk #5

Catergory: Approaching
Sub Catergory: Street


죄송해요. 바빠서요.
Sorry. I'm in a hurry.

Extra info:

This is said by both male and females.

Love Talk #4

Catergory: Approaching
Sub Catergory: Street


잠시 이야기 할 수 있을까요?
Let me talk to you.

Extra info:

This is said by both male and females.

Love Talk #3

Catergory: Approaching
Sub Catergory: Street


친구 기다리고 있어요.
I'm waiting for a friend.

Extra info:

This is said by both male and females.

Day #7- Irrelevance...

I feel really closed and irrelevant. Im starting to not care completely. I dont want to end my life or anything but I want to go away. Having noone to talk to seriously about the issues I have but every other week  and an ocassional conversation with my best friend is not enough. To not bbe able to feel comfortable crying even by myself is  stressful. To not sleep unless I am completely unaware of  falling asleep, loosing hours of my day to feel normal when Im still not sure what it feels like. I need human contact but I dont want it or know how to do it. Im generic when its that kind of situation. To not have someone to physically touch and bond with and completely understand what Im going through (even I have a hard time understanding and I have researched it continuously) is weighing on me. Trying to be strong and smile and ignore the comments is not helping. These days have been going downhill for me. I think going on this family reunion trip without support broke me down to a low level. I just want to get away and go to far place and disappear from everyone for a few days... No years but unfortunately I cant. Getting false help from folks who know nothing of what Im going through or even trying. I want to cry... I think my anxiety disorder is transforming into depression. Yes I know anxiety is a formof depression but it is also seperate but can be linked in most cases. In my case, it is becoming overbearing. I just.... Thanks~~

Korean Word of the Day

회고 사원 - Mosque
          ex. 회고 사원에서는 무슬림교인들이 매일 기도를
                합니다.  - At a Mosque, muslims pray everyday.

다리 - Leg
          ex. 비가 오면 다리에 통중이 옵니다.  - I have pain in my
                legs when it rains.

과일 - Fruit
          ex.  하루에 적어도 한번씩 과일을 먹는게 좋습니다. -
                 You should eat fruit at least once a day.

초- Candle
          ex. 정전을 대비에서 초를 준비해 두세요.  - Keep candles
                handy just in case the electricity goes out.

웨이트리스 - Waitress
          ex.  웨이트리스가 쟁반에 컵을 들고 있어요.-
                 The waitress is holding a tray with glasses.

Study hard study good ^-^

Day #6- Where's My Muchness?


I feel really ugly this evening. Not just oh im not pretty, I want to pretty, but ugly. My self esteem is at an all time low right now to where I want to cry. Im in Atlanta right now and I just feel so ugly... Its hard enough to not be able to sleep now without motivation of a movie or tv/animation series. I hate having these ups and downs. I am shallow breathing and feeling my old urges and thoughts coming back. I keep trying to tell myself "I am fine and healthy and pretty" but these past days when I get in front of the mirror and try to say it, I freeze up and leave and do whatever I have planned. I feel my 할머니 is becoming an annoyance to me, no not just her but 여러분. I feel trapped and crowded. As in the words of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, Tim Burtons adaption, "You've lost your muchness." I am losing my muchness and not sure how to bring it back...
