찬륙하다 -Land (v.)
ex. 비행기는 10시에 공항에 착륙할 것입니다. - The
plane will land at the airport at 10 o'clock.
전직한 -Honest
ex. 그는 너무 전직해서 거짓말을 할 수 없습니다. - He
was so honest that he just couldn't tell a lie. ( i feel the
just shouldnt be there in the translation but whatevs
옷이 맞다 -Fit a Garment (v.)
ex. There is no example sentence... post one later.
ex. 저는 오랫동안 대부분의 동료들과 일해 왔습니다. -
I have worked with most of colleagues for many years.
아니요 -No
ex. 아니요, 괜찮아요 - No, thank you.
There you go keep it up.. mee too!! practice practice!!